Today I want to share how leaving center games at each table helped me with those students that finish their work early and might need a challenge or two before the next transition.
Leaving Center Games at Your Tables for the Early Finishers!
The picture above is one of my freebies from TPT, so you can download it too. I like making multiple copies of the center, placing them on colored file folders and then leaving them in the center of the group table.
If, like above, you have a red group, a blue group and a purple group, etc. using your groups' colors for the file folder center makes it easier for the students to know where to return the center and easier for you to file them away, and take them out again when you want to spiral that skill.
By keeping the games at the table, there is no movement, no interruption of the teacher's small group time, no "Where do I go?" What do I do?" When the student is done working, they know to pick a center, usually one of five skills, from the center of the table. I do spend a few weeks at the beginning of the year teaching the expectations for using the center games.
1. All work MUST be done before you select a file folder.
2. Two people may work together if they are both done and use a low whisper. But my games are also created for single players.
3. Everything must be cleaned up and placed back into the file folder center before the next transition.
I love having all these hands-on center games in my classroom. During parent conferences, I love to show the parents of my higher level children what I'm doing to differentiate and motivate my earlier finishers. Right there...right on the table, sometimes having the parents ask the child if they've finished all the ones currently on the table....perfect, instant, immediate feedback for both the parent and the teacher!
If you are new to teaching, or maybe just to reading my blog, and you need to acquire some center games, click here to see all my freebies at TeacherspayTeachers.
***All my new products on TpT are 40% off for 48 hours.***